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- HOAmanifesto24
Do not bossa nova us!
Fundada em 2020 no meio da pandemia de COVID-19 pela artista multimídia Igi Lola Ayedun, a HOA é uma obra de arte conceitual influenciada pelos princípios situacionistas que propõem a interrupção do mercado e das instituições de arte contemporânea por meio de um programa contínuo de articulação de ação intervencionista que confronta o cerne da indústria cultural a partir de uma perspectiva decolonial latino-americana afro-diaspórica. | Founded in 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic by multimedia artist Igi Lola Ayedun, HOA is a conceptual artwork influenced by Situationist principles that proposes the disruption of the market and contemporary art institutions through a continuous program of interventionist action-articulation that confronts the core of the cultural industry from an Afro-diasporic Latin American decolonial perspective. |
Com o objetivo de promover a arte como libertação/subversão (Guy Debord) para além do objeto artístico e do pensamento crítico, a HOA articula a expansão das economias existentes como fontes para desviar o ciclo financeiro da institucionalização da arte através do direito à opacidade (Édouard Glissant) + a criação de novas economias independentes baseadas em mobilizações impulsionadas por assentamentos de identidades raciais e pela criação de espaços para a criação narrativa + atividade social (Malcom X) que potencializam organizações coletivas. | In order to promote art as liberation/subversion (Guy Debord) beyond the artistic object and critical thinking, HOA articulates the expansion of existing economies as sources of derailing the financial cycle of art institutionalization through the right to opacity (Édouard Glissant) + the creation of new independent economies based on mobilizations driven by racial identity settlements and the establishment of spaces for narrative creation + social activity (Malcom X) that enhance collective organizations. |
A RESIDÊNCIA HOA é um espaço dedicado ao desenvolvimento de uma perspectiva decolonial sobre raça, gênero e território dentro da arte contemporânea, com base em São Paulo - Brasil. A RESIDÊNCIA HOA é um espaço de arte autofinanciado liderado por artistas que inclui estúdios, acomodações e espaços comuns para produção e desenvolvimento de pesquisa e atividades. A RESIDÊNCIA HOA também tem uma extensão online por meio do projeto ESCOLA DE ARTE GRATUITA HOA e muitos outros programas curatoriais. | HOA RESIDENCY is a space dedicated to the development of a decolonial perspective on race, gender and territory within the contemporary art, based in São Paulo - Brasil. HOA RESIDENCY is an artist-led self-funded art space that includes studios, accommodation and common spaces for the production and development of research and activities. HOA RESIDENCY has also an online extension through the HOA FREE ART SCHOOL project and many other curatorial programmes. |
Missão Como uma organização liderada por artistas, a HOA promove o intercâmbio artístico e a experimentação entre instituições e agentes de mercado. Criamos oportunidades para artistas emergentes, curadores e escritores refletirem sobre o que fazem, posicionarem sua prática dentro do discurso global decolonial relevante, criarem pesquisas e comissões definidoras de carreira e se conectarem com colegas. Forjamos colaborações internacionais para construir plataformas compartilhadas para incubar, apresentar e discutir práticas e temas comuns. Nossos objetivos orientadores são: | MISSION As an artist-led organization HOA promotes artistic exchange and experimentation between institutions and market agents. We create opportunities for emerging artists, curators and writers to reflect on what they do, position their practice within relevant decolonial global discourse, create career-defining research and commissions, and network with colleagues. We forge international collaborations to build shared platforms to incubate, to present and to discuss common practices and themes. |
HOA, UMA GALERIA COLABORATIVA. (Criada y dirigida por artistas) | HOA, A COLLABORATIVE GALLERY. (Created and directed by artists) WE DO NOT REPRESENT. (we should not be held responsible for saving the Brazilian art market, make the oppressor work to be a little better, come on.) WE SUPPORT. (artistic research, productions, and original projects.) WE DO NOT CREATE THE BOURGEOIS DREAM OF STARDOM FOR ARTISTS, IT'S VERY BORING AND SATURATED BY SOCIAL MEDIA, ZERO INTEREST, bye. (we don't believe that the artist's path is to become a digital influencer, the studio is not content production.) WE PROMOTE. (artists' works in a global network built with a lot of sweat) WE CONNECT. (artists' works with institutions, galleries, residences, and curators from a qualified global network built with a lot of sweat) WE DISTRIBUTE. (artists' works worldwide among private and institutional collections through fairs, salons, and exhibitions) WE DEVELOP A NEW GENERATION OF ARTISTS FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTH FOR THE WORLD. (our little secret, a Midas touch that makes artists' body of work grow) PLEASE, DO NOT TROPICALIZE US. WE CANNOT CREATE EQUALITY THROUGH INEQUALITY. (what's the point of setting the trap of the wheel of fortune and watching our work make some earn more than others if everyone is part of this project between interface and structure, marginalized?) DOWN WITH THE STARS! (please, only the Sun shines forever and even at night it rests and gives way to the moon, in other words, relax) NO ILLUSION OF SUCCESS WITH ULTRA-CONTEMPORARY TOP EMERGING YOUNG ARTISTS, SUPER EXHAUSTING. (super frustrating, the ambition for success has destroyed the best minds and the sweetest hearts, our urgency is still the claim for the basic, necessary, dignified in an industry where identity politics has been violently captured) NO ONE HERE IS TRYING TO GET RICH. (Haha don't be fooled!) REIMAGINING PROFIT AND ECONOMIC REDISTRIBUTION TO BUILD A LONG-TERM SUSTAINABLE STRUCTURE. (Come all of us and your kingdom too) ONLY HISTORICAL SOCIAL AMBITION ALLOWED. (time will tell) OH, okay, come here, MOVE ON. (because we are already in 2030 healthy). |
A Galeria HOA acontece em um antigo armazém localizado entre os bairros Barra Funda e Santa Cecília, o novo ponto cultural no centro da cidade em artes, design e arquitetura localizado no centro da cidade, próximo a muitos dos marcos importantes de São Paulo, como o Teatro São Pedro dos anos 20, a Galeria Mendes Wood DM, a Galeria Fortes D'Aloia Gabriel, a Escola de Samba Camisa Verde e Branco, a Faculdade de Arquitetura Escola da Cidade, o Centro Cultural Negro Aparelha Luzia e muitos outros. | HOA Galeria takes place in an ancient warehouse located between Barra Funda and Santa Cecilia neighborhood, the new cultural spot in the center city on arts, design and architecture located downtown near to many of São Paulo’s important landmarks as the 20's São Pedro Theater, Mendes Wood DM Gallery, Fortes D'Aloia Gabriel Gallery, Camisa Verde e Branco School of Samba, Escola da Cidade Architecture College, Black Cultural Center Aparelha Luzia and many others.
Obrigada/ Tysm <3,
Igi Lola Ayedun